Okay so as many of you know, I had orginally planned for us to compete in the UGC Season 3 9v9 Highlander tournament, but since the number of people interested was not what I expected, I would like to announce that UGC is now accepting registerations for the UGC Season 6 6v6 tournament. Preseason does not start until 01/19/11, so this gives us plently of time to talk it over and see if we would like to compete in the tournament. Here is the link to the info about Season 6 and other stuff. http://www.ugcleague.com/home_tf26.cfm. Here is also a link to the 6v6 overal rules and what we have to do. http://www.ugcleague.com/rules_tf26.cfm. If you are interested please speak to myself via our forums, reply to this thread or just talk to me on vent. And as always, keep up the good work A.K Gamers!!!!